This View shows all the territorial changes of the event that involved the selected cluster.
PARAMETERS = duration: No Duration, period: -3500 to: 2022, indian treaties: No
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Expansion during the rule of Murad II in the Ottoman Sultanate.
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The cluster includes all the forms of the country.
This View shows all the territorial changes of the event that involved the selected cluster.
Use the buttons to navigate from date to date to see the individual territorial changes.
Cluster is a categorization that includes all iterations of a nation and all the possessions of this nation. Example: the cluster spain includes the iterations of that nation, like the Kingdom of Spain and the First Spanish Republic, whereas possessions of spain include Spanish America and the Spanish Philippines.
An event (sometimes simply called war) is a categorization that encompasses changes, revolts, and other significant occurrences. Phersu Atlas includes all historical wars that involved changes or revolts, as well as a small percentage of non-war events (1% of the total), such as coastline changes and peace treaties.
The central part contains the METRIC.
In some of the metrics you have additional buttons top rigth.