This View shows all the territorial changes of the event that involved the selected polity.
PARAMETERS = duration: No Duration, period: -3500 to: 2022, indian treaties: No
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Was a Civil War in Russia that involved varios factions but mainly the Bolsheviks and the conservative White Army in the core Russian territories, as well as a multitude of local secessionist states. At the end of war the Bolsheviks were victorious and established the Soviet Union.
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Polity that includes all territories military occupied by Finland that are not part of a specific military territory.
This View shows all the territorial changes of the event that involved the selected polity.
Use the buttons to navigate from date to date to see the individual territorial changes.
An event (sometimes simply called war) is a categorization that encompasses changes, revolts, and other significant occurrences. Phersu Atlas includes all historical wars that involved changes or revolts, as well as a small percentage of non-war events (1% of the total), such as coastline changes and peace treaties.
Polities are the smallest unit in the Phersu Atlas model. They represent political entities that control a territory, regardless of their form. Polities can be either independent or dependent.
The central part contains the METRIC.
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