
The Time series shows all the changes concerning the selected war (monthly, in terms of area)

Time Series of all Territorial Changes during the Conquests of Chandragupta II
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Conquests by Gupta ruler Chandragupta II.

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The Time series shows all the changes concerning the selected war (monthly, in terms of area)

An event (sometimes simply called war) is a categorization that encompasses changes, revolts, and other significant occurrences. Phersu Atlas includes all historical wars that involved changes or revolts, as well as a small percentage of non-war events (1% of the total), such as coastline changes and peace treaties.

You can apply a filter (from a specific year to another) to narrow the time range. Clicking on a point in the graph will provide further information.

Most relevant changes
  • January 396 : Indo-Scythian rule in the northwestern Indian subcontinent ceased when the last Western Satrap Rudrasimha III was defeated by the Gupta emperor Chandragupta II in 395 CE.
  • January 411 : Chandragupta II expanded his realm westwards, defeating the Saka Western Kshatrapas of Malwa, Gujarat and Saurashtra in a campaign lasting until 409.
  • January 413 : The Western Satraps were eventually conquered by emperor Chandragupta II. Inscriptions of a victorious Chandragupta II in the year 412-413 CE can be found on the railing near the Eastern Gateway of the Great Stupa in Sanchi.
  • January 416 : The Abhira kingdom, mentioned in the Mahabharata, was disestablished in 415 A.D. The territory was then absorbed into the Gupta Empire, a powerful ancient Indian dynasty ruled by Chandragupta I and his successors.
  • Annual Report Of Mysore 1886 To 1903. Retrieved on 29 march 2024 on https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.107941/page/n1/mode/2up