Kingdom of Aragon: Maximal extension of the polity during the Sardinian-Aragonese war

This Metric shows the Maximal Extension of the polity during the selected war.

Kingdom of Aragon: Maximal extension of the polity during the Sardinian-Aragonese war
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Was a medieval kingdom located in the eastern Iberian Peninsula. It formed a dynastic union with the Crown of Castile in 1479, but nominally continued to exist until it was abolished by the Nueva Planta decrees issued by King Philip V in 1716.

Was a late medieval conflict over the control of the island of Sardinia. It saw the Aragonese forces fighting against the Judicate of Arborea and the Republic of Genoa.

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This Metric shows the Maximal Extension of the polity during the selected war.

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Polities are the smallest unit in the Phersu Atlas model. They represent political entities that control a territory, regardless of their form. Polities can be either independent or dependent.

An event (sometimes simply called war) is a categorization that encompasses changes, revolts, and other significant occurrences. Phersu Atlas includes all historical wars that involved changes or revolts, as well as a small percentage of non-war events (1% of the total), such as coastline changes and peace treaties.


Based on the overall Phersu Atlas Model and its comprehensive sources.