
The metric shows the evolution of the area of the selected polity during the selected event.

Tribal Federation of the Massylii: time series of its population and area during the Numidia becomes a vassall of Carthage
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The region of Numidia in North Africa became a vassal of Carthage.

Was a a tribal confederation in Numidia (nortwestern Africa).

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The metric shows the evolution of the area of the selected polity during the selected event.

Polities are the smallest unit in the Phersu Atlas model. They represent political entities that control a territory, regardless of their form. Polities can be either independent or dependent.

An event (sometimes simply called war) is a categorization that encompasses changes, revolts, and other significant occurrences. Phersu Atlas includes all historical wars that involved changes or revolts, as well as a small percentage of non-war events (1% of the total), such as coastline changes and peace treaties.

You can apply a filter (from a specific year to another) to narrow the time range. Clicking on a point in the graph will provide further information.


Based on the overall Phersu Atlas Model and its comprehensive sources.