Theban-Spartan Wars
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Was a series of military conflicts fought between Sparta and Thebes for hegemony over Greece. Sparta had emerged victorious from the Peloponnesian War against Athens (431-404 BC), and occupied an hegemonic position over Greece. However, the Spartans' violent interventionism upset their former allies, especially Thebes and Corinth.
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January 384 BC: After the end of the Corinthian War, which had seen many of Sparta’s allies abandon her, Sparta began reconstructing its hegemony and punishing many disloyal allies. In 385 BC Sparta attacked Mantinea claiming they had failed to fulfil their allied obligations.
The Boeotian War broke out in 378 BC as the result of a revolt in Thebes against Sparta. The war saw Thebes become dominant in the Greek World at the expense of Sparta.
January 375 BC: Chabrias was an Athenian general and statesman who led a successful raid on the Laconian Coast in -376. This territory was then incorporated into the Second Athenian Empire, a period of Athenian dominance in the region following the Peloponnesian War.
January 378 BC: In 379 BC the democratic party surprised and killed their chief political opponents in Thebes, and roused the people against the Spartan garrison, which surrendered to an army gathered by Pelopidas.
January 375 BC: The Thebans, led by Epaminondas and Pelopidas, defeated the Spartans in -376, capturing their strongholds in Boeotia. The Spartan base in Thespiae fell, leading to the territory being incorporated into the Boeotian League.
February 375 BC: Chabrias was an Athenian general and statesman who led a raid on the Laconian Coast in -375. This action was part of the ongoing conflict between Athens and Sparta, with Sparta ultimately gaining control of the territory after the raid.
January 374 BC: The Boeotian League captured Plataea.
The aftermath of the Battle of Leuctra, a battle between the Boeotians and the Spartans.
July 371 BC: After the Battle of Leuctra, Belemina was restored to Arcadia, reckoned to be part of Aegytis.
August 371 BC: In the immediate aftermath of Leuctra Epaminondas occupied himself with consolidating the Boeotian confederacy, compelling the previously Spartan-aligned polis of Orchomenus to join the league.
2.1.First Invasion of the Peloponnese
Was a Theban military campaign in the territories of Sparta in the Peoloponnese that resulted in several cities controlled by Sparta becoming independent.
January 369 BC: Stymphalos joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Teuthis joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Megale polis joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Thaliades joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Nonakris joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Oresthasion joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Lykosoura joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Phigaleia joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 370 BC: After the battle of Leuctra (371 BC) the city was reconstituted and became part of the Panarcadian Confederation then founded.
January 370 BC: When the Spartans were defeated by the Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC, the Eleans attempted to reassert their control, but the Triphylians, in order to maintain their independence from Elis, joined the Arcadian League in 368 BC.
January 369 BC: Epaminondas of Thebes freed the helots of Messenia, and rebuilt the ancient city of Messene.
January 369 BC: Alipheira joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Dipaia joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Eutaia joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Gortys joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Halous joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Kaphyai joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Kleitor joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Kynaitha joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Lousoi joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Mantinea joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Methydrion joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Orchomenos (Arkadia) joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Paion (Arkadia) joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Pallantion joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Pheneos joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Psophis joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Tegea joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Thelphousa joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Thisoa joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Torthyneion joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Asea joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Nestane joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Heraia joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Trapezous (Arkadia) joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
January 369 BC: Alea joined the Arcadian league when it was founded in 370 BC.
2.2.Second invasion of the Peloponnese
Was a Theban military campaign in the territories of Sparta in the Peoloponnese that resulted in several cities controlled by Sparta becoming independent.
January 368 BC: Sikyonia was invaded by Epameinondas, conquered and forced to join the Theban alliance. Sicyon and Pellene became allied to Thebes.
January 368 BC: The countryside of Troezen and Epidaurus was ravaged by Boeotian forces.
January 367 BC: When the Spartans were defeated by the Thebans at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC, the Eleans attempted to reassert their control, but the Triphylians, in order to maintain their independence from Elis, joined the Arcadian League in 368 BC.
January 368 BC: Korone was founded or refounded in 369 BC.
February 368 BC: The countryside of Troezen and Epidaurus was ravaged by Boeotian forces.
February 368 BC: Sikyonia was invaded by Epameinondas, conquered and forced to join the Theban alliance. Sicyon and Pellene became allied to Thebes.
2.3.Third invasion of the Peloponnese
Was a Theban military campaign in the territories of Sparta in the Peoloponnese that resulted in several cities controlled by Sparta becoming independent.
January 366 BC: Epaminondas marched to Achaea, seeking to secure their allegiance to Thebes. No army dared to challenge him in the field, and the Achaean oligarchies therefore acquiesced to the request that they be allied to Thebes.
Selected Sources
Diodorus: Historical Library, XV, 69
Roy, J. (2012): "Arcadian League". In The Oxford Classical Dictionary (4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Xenophon: Hellenica, 7.2