Fragmentation of the Caliphate of Córdoba
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The Caliphate disintegrated in the early 11th century during the Fitna of al-Andalus, a civil war between the descendants of caliph Hisham II and the successors of his hajib (court official), Al-Mansur, leading to the establishment of a multitude of independent Muslim kingdoms (taifas).
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January 1011: The Taifa of Toledo existed from the fracturing of the long-eminent Muslim Caliphate of Córdoba in 1035.
January 1013: The Taifa of Albarracín existed from 1012.
January 1011: The Taifa of Morón existed from around 1010.
January 1024: The Taifa of Niebla existed from 1023.
January 1014: The Taifa of Algeciras was created in 1013, in the wake of the disintegration of the caliphate of Córdoba.
January 1011: The Taifa of Denia was created in 1010, after the disintegration of the Caliphate of Córdoba.
January 1010: The Taifa of Alpuente existed from around 1009.
January 1010: The taifa of Badajoz rose, like the other taifa kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, after the fragmentation of al-Andalus.
January 1011: The taifa of Tortosa rose, like the other taifa kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, after the fragmentation of al-Andalus.
January 1011: The Taifa of Valencia was established in 1010.
January 1012: The Taifa of Arcos existed from 1011.
January 1012: The Taifa of Murcia existed from the fracturing of the Muslim Caliphate of Córdoba.
January 1013: Almería declared independence of its province from Caliphate of Cordoba around 1012.
January 1014: The Taifa of Carmona emerged in 1013 in Al-Andalus as a result of the disintegration that, since 1008 , the Caliphate of Córdoba had been suffering.
January 1014: The Taifa of Grenada was an independent kingdom Muslim who emerged in to the-Andalus in 1013 , following the disintegration that had plagued the Caliphate of Córdoba.
January 1016: The Taifa of Denia had a relatively powerful navy, which in 1015 was used to take control of the Balearic Islands.
January 1019: The Taifa of Zaragoza It was established in 1018 as one of the Taifa kingdoms.
January 1024: The Taifa of Seville originated in 1023.
January 1028: The Taifa of Silves existed from 1027.
January 1032: The Taifa of Córdoba was an Arab taifa which was ruled by the Banu Jawhar that replaced the Umayyad Caliph as the government of Córdoba and its vicinity in 1031.
January 1032: With the breakup of the Caliphate of Córdoba in 23 taifas, sveral of its territories were acquired by its neighbours.
January 1032: The Taifa of Malaga separates from the Caliphate of Córdoba.
January 1013: The Taifa of Saltés and Huelva existed from around 1012.