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The cluster includes all the forms of the country.
The cluster includes the following incarnations of the same nation:
August 1828: The 1828 Treaty of Montevideo acknowledged the independence of the Cisplatina under the name Eastern Republic of Uruguay.
Interactive Chronologies with maps are available in the section Changes Navigation
Was an armed conflict in the 1820s between the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata and the Empire of Brazil over Brazil's Cisplatina province. It resulted in the independence of Cisplatina as the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
1.1.Treaty of Montevideo
The 1828 Treaty of Montevideo acknowledged the independence of the Cisplatina region from Brazil as the Republic of Uruguay.
A series of armed conflicts between the leaders of Uruguayan independence.
December 1842: On December 6, 1842, the Blancos defeated Rivera's forces at the Battle of Arroyo Grande. The capital Montevideo was besieged by Oribe's troops, but remained the seat of government of the Colorados. Oribe set up a counter-government in Cerrito de la Victoria which controlled almost the rest of the country.
February 1852: Montevideo was able to withstand the siege for nine years. When the British and French ceased their support in 1850 and signed an agreement with de Rosas, victory for the Blancos seemed certain. A revolt against de Rosas, led by Justo José de Urquiza, abruptly changed the situation. Oribe and his followers had to retreat in 1851 and the Colorados gained full control of Uruguay with the support of Brazil.
Was a war fought between the Argentine Confederation and an alliance consisting of the Empire of Brazil, Uruguay, and the Argentine provinces of Entre Ríos and Corrientes, with the participation of the Republic of Paraguay as Brazil's co-belligerent and ally. The war was caused by disputes over the Platine region between Brazil and Argentina.
3.1.Allied invasion of Uruguay (Platine War)
Was the invasion of Uruguay by an alliance of countries led by Brazil during the Platine War.
October 1851: Uruguayan leader Oribe surrendered to the Argentine troops.
Was a civil war fought between Uruguay's governing Blanco Party and an alliance consisting of the Empire of Brazil and the Uruguayan Colorado Party, supported by Argentina.
October 1864: Near the Brazilian town of Jaguarão, the Brazilian army invaded Uruguay's Cerro Largo Department.
October 1864: In 1864, the Blancos, led by General Timoteo Aparicio, invaded Uruguay's Cerro Largo Department from the Brazilian town of Jaguarão. This incursion was part of the ongoing struggle between the Blancos and Colorados for control of Uruguay.
October 1864: A Brazilian brigade entered this capital of Cerro Largo unopposed.
November 1864: Salto is besieged by Brazil and Colorados.
January 1865: On 1 January 1865, one brigade (composed of two infantry battalions and one artillery battalion) with 1,700 men from the Brazilian province of Rio de Janeiro disembarked and occupied the Uruguayan town of Fray Bentos.
January 1865: Siege of Paysandú.
January 1865: João Propício Mena Barreto sailed from Fray Bentos on 14 January with the Brazilian infantry, bound for a landing near the mouth of the Santa Lucía River near Montevideo. On the way, he occupied the Uruguayan town of Colonia del Sacramento, garrisoning it with 50 soldiers.
January 1865: Brazil and the Colorados besieged the Uruguayan capital.
February 1865: With the Italian resident minister Raffaele Ulisse Barbolani serving as intermediary, an agreement was reached. Flores and Manuel Herrera y Obes (representing Villalba's government) signed a peace accord on 20 February at the Villa de la Unión. A general amnesty was granted to both Blancos and Colorados.