This article is about the specific polity French Algeria and therefore only includes events related to its territory and not to its possessions or colonies. If you are interested in the possession, this is the link to the article about the nation which includes all possessions as well as all the different incarnations of the nation.
If you are looking for the page with the statistics about this polity you can find it here:All Statistics
Period of Algerian history when it was a colony of France. French rule in the region began with the invasion of Algiers in 1830 and lasted until the end of the Algerian War in 1962.
July 1830: Creation of the colony of French Algeria.
August 1830: In 1830, French Generals Bourmont and Damrémont occupied Bône, Oran, and Mers el-Kébir in French Algeria.
September 1830: The French detachments of Bône, Oran and Mers el-Kébir were recalled to Algiers in early August due to political events in France.
December 1830: With regard to the beylik of Titteri, Clauzel's mandate is marked by the expedition led against Blida and then Médéa in November 1830.
December 1830: Expansion of French Algeria by 1830.
Interactive Chronologies with maps are available in the section Changes Navigation
Was the French conquest of Algeria. It begun with the French sizing Algiers and other coastal territories of Algeria in 1830. Due to the Algerian resistance, France had slowly to conquer the interior of Algeria over the next 100 years.
February 1831: Oran was occupied by French General Damrémont in January 1831.
February 1831: French forces leave Médéa.
July 1831: French expedition to Medea in June 1831.
July 1831: Médéa is abandoned by the French.
September 1833: Occupation of Bougie by a French column commanded by General Trézel.
January 1834: In Oran, French General Desmichels, acting autonomously, occupies Arzew and Mostaganem.
December 1834: Expansion of French Algeria by 1834.
December 1835: French attack launched against Mascara, the capital of the Emirate of Abdelkader (November-December 1835).
January 1836: After holding the city for a short-time, French forces left Mascara.
February 1836: In January 1836, French General Bertrand Clauzel led an expedition against Tlemcen, a city in northern Algeria. The expedition resulted in the capture of Tlemcen, further expanding French control in the region during the colonization of Algeria.
March 1836: A bloody fight with the resistants of Mitidja took place on March 31, 1836 near Thénia de Mouzaïa.
April 1836: The French garrison of Médéa left the city on orders from Paris.
November 1836: The Siege of Constantine in 1836 was a military conflict between the French forces led by General Damrémont and the Emir Abdelkader. The siege resulted in the capture of Constantine by the French, marking a significant victory in their conquest of Algeria.
November 1836: The Siege of Constantine in 1836 was a conflict between the French forces led by General Damrémont and the local Algerian resistance fighters, including Emir Abdelkader. The siege resulted in the surrender of Constantine to the French, marking a significant victory in their colonization of Algeria.
May 1837: After French imperial forces sustained heavy losses and military reversals in Algeria, the French signed with Abdelkader the Treaty of Tafna in May 1837. The treaty gave the Emir the provinces of Oran, Titteri and part of the province of Algiers.
October 1837: Siege of Constantine (1837).
January 1838: In 1837, the Emir Abdelkader took control of a territory in the province of Oran, Algeria, extending from the Chelif River to Morocco. Abdelkader was a prominent Algerian leader who led a resistance movement against French colonization in the 19th century.
December 1840: Expansion of French Algeria by 1840.
January 1841: Cherchell and Miliana occupied by French forces.
September 1842: French forces occupy the region of the Tell tribes.
January 1844: In 1841, France sent reinforcements to Algeria led by General Jean-René Sillègue, then stationed in Marseille. The general pacified the regions of Sétif and Kabylie.
December 1847: In 1847, the Emir Abdelkader surrendered to the French forces in the Emirate of Abdelkader, which was located in present-day Algeria. This event marked the end of Abdelkader's resistance against French colonization in North Africa.
December 1847: Abdelkader surrenders to the Duke of Aumale and his Emirate was reintegrated into French Algeria.
December 1847: Surrender of Emir Abdelkader.
December 1848: Expansion of French Algeria by 1848.
August 1857: Tribes of the Kabylie region surrender to the French.
December 1870: Expansion of French Algeria by 1870.
December 1900: Expansion of French Algeria by 1900.
December 1930: Expansion of French Algeria by 1930.
December 1934: Expansion of French Algeria by 1934.
Was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945 (it started sooner in certain regions) between the Axis Powers (mainly Germany, Japan and Italy) and the Allies (mainly the Soviet Union, the U.S.A., the U.K., China and France). It was the war with more fatalities in history. The war in Asia began when Japan invaded China on July 7, 1937. The war in Europe began when Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. The war ended with the complete defeat of the Axis powers, which were occupied by the Allies.
2.1.World War II (All other Vichy France Colonies)
Refers to the events that happened in French Colonies that decided to be loyal to the German puppet state of Vichy France.
July 1940: With the creation of Vichy France, initially all French colonies were aligned with Vichy.
2.2.World War II (North African Theatre)
Was the North African theatre of World War II.
2.2.1.Allied invasion of French North Africa
Was the Allied invasion of French North Africa during World War II. Torch
Was an Allied military operation to occupy French North Africa during World War II.
November 1942: On 8 November 1942, the allied invasion of Alegia commenced with landings on three beaches—two west of Algiers and one east. The US troops pushed quickly inland and General Juin surrendered the city to the Allies at 19:00.
November 1942: British forces conquer Oran. campaign
Was a series of battles that took place in Tunisia during the North African campaign of the Second World War, between Axis and Allied.
November 1942: The British First Army lands at Bougie (Algeria) without opposition.
November 1942: Bône airfield was occupied by the Allies following a parachute drop by 3rd Parachute Battalion and this was followed by 6 Commando seizing the port on 12 November.
Was a conflict fought between France and the Algerian National Liberation Front from 1954 to 1962, which led to Algeria winning its independence from France.
July 1962: Algerians achieved independence which was proclaimed on July 5, 1962.
December 1852: In 1852, France launched a punative campaign to eradicate the resistance. The Siege of Laghouat began on 21 November and concluded with the storming of the town on 4 December.
January 1855: The Sultanate of Tuggurt was abolished by French colonial authority.
January 1904: Kel Ahaggar fell under French suzerainty.
July 1962: Algerians achieved independence which was proclaimed on July 5, 1962.
Selected Sources
Blet, H. (1946): Histoire de la colonisation française : Les étapes d'une renaissance coloniale, 1789-1870, 2, Paris (France), p. 136-137
Pollacchi, C. P. (1930): Les progrès de la pacification française, Collection du Comité Métropolitain du Centenaire de l'Algérie
Williams, M.H. (1989): United States army in World War II - Special Studies - Chronology 1941-1945, p.64
Williams, M.H. (1989): United States army in World War II - Special Studies - Chronology 1941-1945, p.65
Williams, M.H. (1989): United States army in World War II - Special Studies - Chronology 1941-1945, p.66
Yacono, X. (1993): Histoire de l'Algérie de la fin de la Régence turque à l'insurrection de 1954, Paris (France), p. 262