Italic League
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Was the rebellious league founded by Italic peoples during the Social War (91-87 BC) in the struggle against the Roman state.
December 91 BC: Marco Livio Drusus sided with the Italian cause by putting forward bills in favor of extending citizenship. When Drusus was assassinated, this ignited the social war. The Italians, excluding the Etruscans and Umbrians, rebelled against Rome. The revolt broke out in Ascoli, in the Piceno area, and the rebels organized themselves into a free League with its own army.
Interactive Chronologies with maps are available in the section Changes Navigation
Was a war fought from 91 to 87 BC between the Roman Republic and several of its autonomous allies (socii) in Italy. The Italian allies wanted Roman citizenship, not only for the status and influence that came with it, but also for the right to vote in Roman elections and laws.
January 89 BC: The rebels carried out victorious raids in Apulia and Lucania.
January 88 BC: The Romans reconquer many cities in Campania.
January 88 BC: The Lex Plautia Papiria granted the right of Roman citizenship to all Italians south of the Po who would lay down their arms within 60 days. In this way, Rome was able to take control of all the territories of the Italic League with the exception of Samnium.
January 87 BC: The Samnites continued to resist, but ended up being exterminated in 88 BC.
January 87 BC: The Samnites continued to resist, but ended up being exterminated in 88 BC.