Kingdom of Vursut
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Was a medieval Hindu kingdom located in West Bengal.
January 1501: In 1500, the Kingdom of Vursut, a medieval Hindu kingdom ruled by King Vursut, expanded its territory to include what is now Howrah and Hooghly. This kingdom was known for its rich cultural heritage and strategic location in present-day West Bengal, India.
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The fall of Calicut occurred in 1526, when the Zamorin, the local Indian ruler, captured the fort of Calicut from the Portuguese.
July 1526: The fall of Calicut in 1526 occurred when the Zamorin, the ruler of the Kingdom of Vursut, captured the fort from the Portuguese, marking a significant event in the history of Portuguese-Indian relations.
January 1512: The Portuguese factory and fort in Kozhikode were established by explorer Afonso de Albuquerque in 1511.
January 1580: The Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama established the town of Hooghly-Chuchura in 1579 as a trading post in the Bengal region of India. The town became an important center for Portuguese trade and influence in the area.
May 1690: In 1690, Chandernagore (Chandernagor) became a French possession in India.
January 1699: Establishment of the Danish outpost of Dannemarksnagore in Bengal.
January 1713: Bhurshut was conquered by Kirtichand Rai of Bardhaman in the 18th century.
Selected Sources
Larsen, K. (1940): Guvernører, Residenter, Kommadanter og Chefer samt enkele andre fremtradende personer i de tidligere Danske Tropokolonier, Copenhagen (Denmark), p. 18