Name: World War II (Eastern Theatre)
Type: Event
Start: 1939
End: 1945
Parents: World War II
Children: Lapland War, Battle of Budapest, Battle of Debrecen, Battle of Kiev, Battle of Smolensk, Operation Uranius, Operation Winter Storm, German administration of eastern teritories during World War II, Baltic Offensive, Barvenkovo-Lozovaya Offensive, Battle of Berlin, Battle of Kursk, Battle of Küstrin, Battle of Narva, Battle of Romania, Battle of Stalingrad, Battle of the Dnieper, Battle of the Kerch Peninsula, Case Blue, Continuation War, German Crimean campaign, Red Army Crimean Offensive, Demyansk Offensive Operation, Dnieper-Carpathian Offensive, Donbass Strategic Offensive (August 1943), East Pomeranian Strategic Offensive, East Prussian Offensive, German invasion of Hungary, Gumbinnen Operation, Hungarian Expansion from the Second Vienna Award, Invasion of Poland, Leningrad-Novgorod Offensive, Lvov-Sandomierz Offensive, Operation Bagration, Operation Barbarossa, Operation Büffel, Operation Saturn, Prague Offensive, Siege of Breslau, Slovak National Uprising, Soviet Invasion of Hungary, Soviet Invasion of Slovakia, Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and northern Bukovina, Soviet occupation of the Baltic states, Tartu Offensive, Third Battle of Kharkov, Vienna Offensive, Vistula-Oder Offensive, Warsaw Uprising, Winter War, Legionnaires' Rebellion
World War II (Eastern Theatre): All Data
This page is about the data available for this event, the chronology of the event is available here.
Was the Eastern European theatre of World War II.