Gothic War (376-382)
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Was a war between the Goths and the Roman Empire. The Goths, that were fleeing an invasion of the Huns, entered the Roman Empire requesting asylum. The Romans allowed the Goths to enter, but the harsh conditions in the small area that was assigned to them caused a revolt.
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January 377: Winter 376-3 October 382: In the late summer/autumn of 376, the Tervingi fleeing from the Huns were admitted to the Roman Empire after a formal capitulation. Since the Terwingen could only take limited supplies with them when they fled, supply bottlenecks soon arose. Open rebellion broke out when Lupicinus attempted to have Alavivus and Fritigern, the leaders of the Goths, killed at a diplomatic banquet. The troops hastily assembled by Lupicinus were defeated by the Goths. They first plundered the area around Marcianople [...] as they were defeated in the battle of adrianople, the romans were not ablke to stop the goths [...] On October 3, 382 Theodosius concluded a peace treaty with the Goths.
February 377: Winter 376-3 October 382: In the late summer/autumn of 376, the Tervingi fleeing from the Huns were admitted to the Roman Empire after a formal capitulation. Since the Terwingen could only take limited supplies with them when they fled, supply bottlenecks soon arose. Open rebellion broke out when Lupicinus attempted to have Alavivus and Fritigern, the leaders of the Goths, killed at a diplomatic banquet. The troops hastily assembled by Lupicinus were defeated by the Goths. They first plundered the area around Marcianople [...] as they were defeated in the battle of adrianople, the romans were not ablke to stop the goths [...] On October 3, 382 Theodosius concluded a peace treaty with the Goths.