Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922)
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Was a war between Greece and the Turkish National Movement during the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I.
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Was the Greek occupation of Turkish territories in the aftermath of World War I.
May 1919: The Greeks brought their forces into Eastern Thrace (apart from Constantinople and its region).
May 1919: The occupation of Smyrna was the military control by Greek forces of the city of Smyrna and surrounding areas.
Was a Greek offensive in Turkey during the Greco-Turkish War.
September 1920: Gains from Greek Offensive by August 1920.
January 1921: The Greek advance in Turkey was halted for the first time at the First Battle of İnönü.
August 1920: Karamürsel was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
July 1920: Kırkağaç, Soma and Salihli were captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
March 1921: Greek I Army Corps took Kara Hisâr-ı Sâhib (present-day Afyonkarahisar).
August 1920: Nazilli was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
August 1921: Gains from Greek Offensive by July 1921.
September 1920: Simav was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
July 1920: Balıkesir was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
September 1921: Following the retreat of the Turkish troops under Ismet Inönü in the battle of Kütahya-Eskişehir the Greek Army advanced afresh to the Sakarya River (Sangarios in Greek), less than 100 kilometres west of Ankara.
August 1920: Bandırma, Kirmasti and Karacabey were captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
March 1921: Turkish Army Officer İsmet İnönü attacked again after receiving reinforcements, and recaptured Metristepe.
August 1920: Bursa was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
August 1920: Gemlik and Mudanya were captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
July 1920: Kula was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
August 1920: Gediz and Ulubey were captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
July 1920: Alaşehir was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
August 1920: İznik was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
August 1920: Uşak was captured by a joint British and Greek offensive.
July 1921: Battle of Kütahya-Eskişehir.
Was the Greek reatreat after the battle of Sakarya during the Greco-Turkish War.
September 1921: After Greek retreat, Turkish forces managed to retake Sivrihisar.
Was a Turkish offensive against the Greek army during the Greco-Turkish War.
September 1922: Aydın conquered by Ottoman Empire.
August 1922: The major Greek defense positions were overrun, and Afyon fell to Ottoman forces.
September 1922: Turkish cavalry entered Smyrna on September 9.
September 1922: On 16 September the last Greek troops left Çeşme.
September 1922: Anisa was taken by the Ottomans on September 8.
September 1922: Mustafa Kemal's troops moved into the straits zones and refused British requests to leave. The British cabinet was divided on the matter but eventually any possible armed conflict was prevented. British General Charles Harington, allied commander in Constantinople, kept his men from firing on Turks and warned the British cabinet against any rash adventure. The Greek fleet left Constantinople upon his request. The British finally decided to force the Greeks to withdraw behind the Maritsa in Thrace. This convinced Mustafa Kemal to accept the opening of armistice talks.
September 1922: Balıkesir and Bilecik were taken by the Ottomans on September 6.
September 1922: On September 2, 1922, Eskişehir was captured by the Turkish National Forces led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
September 1922: Aydın, Germencik and Kuşadası fell under Turkish control.
September 1922: Gemlik and Mudanya fell to the Ottomans on September 11.
September 1922: The expulsion of the Greek Army from Anatolia was completed.
Selected Sources
Ahmet N.O. (1986): Kula, Katakekaumene (Yanık yöre): 2000 yıl önce Strabon'un adını koyduğu yöre, Öğrenci Basimevi, pp. 137-138.
Sayhan, M. (2006): Milli Mücadele'de Çivril, (1919-1922), Kitsan, pp. 15-18