Italian theatre (War of the first coalition)
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Was the Italian theatre of the War of the First Coalition.
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April 1796: Napoleon won at the Second Battle of Dego, driving the Austrians northeast, away from their Piedmontese allies.
March 1797: Archduke Charles of Austria was defeated at the Tagliamento on 16 March, and Napoleon proceeded into Austria, occupying Klagenfurt.
February 1797: French troops advanced directly toward Austria over the Julian Alps. General Barthélemy Joubert invaded Tyrol.
November 1795: In northern Italy the victory at the Battle of Loano in November gives France access to the Italian peninsula.
April 1796: Napoleon defeated an Austro-Sardinian force at the Battle of Millesimo.
April 1796: Battle of Mondovì.
May 1796: French forces occupy Lodi and Milan.
May 1796: The Duchy of Milan was ruled by the Habsburgs and became the Transpadane Republic after being occupied by Napoleon's French forces in 1796. This marked the end of Habsburg rule in the region and the establishment of a new republic.
September 1796: In September, Napoleon Bonaparte marched north against Trento in Tyrol. Bonaparte overran the holding force at the Battle of Rovereto.
September 1796: French victory at the Battle of Bassano on 8 September 1796.
October 1796: Constitution of the Cispadane Republic.
November 1796: The Austrians defeated the French at Calliano.
November 1796: Napoleon defeated the Venetians led by Alvinczi in the Battle of Arcole southeast of Verona.
January 1797: The Duchy of Milan remained an Austrian possession until 1796, when a French army under Napoleon Bonaparte conquered it, and it ceased to exist a year later as a result of the Treaty of Campo Formio, when Austria ceded it to the new Cisalpine Republic.
January 1797: The March of Castevoli and the March of Villafranca were unified in the Castevoli and Villafranca Marquisate.
January 1797: In 1797, during the Napoleonic Wars, French troops under Napoleon Bonaparte occupied the Venetian state up to the Adige River. The Austrians controlled Vicenza, Cadore, and Friuli as part of the ongoing conflict in the region.
February 1797: Frecnh forces besiege Mantua.
April 1797: The French advanced as far as Judenburg by the evening of April 7th.
June 1797: In 1797, Napoleon Bonaparte deposed Giacomo Maria Brignole, the last doge of the Republic of Genova. This marked the end of the Republic of Genova and the territory was incorporated into the Ligurian Republic.
June 1797: The Cispadane Republic was merged with the Transpadane Republic (formerly the Duchy of Milan until 1796) to form the Cisalpine Republic.
June 1797: In June 1797, the territories of Bologna, Ferrara, and Romagna were annexed to the Cisalpine Republic through the Treaty of Tolentino. This agreement was signed between Napoleon Bonaparte, who was leading the French forces in Italy, and representatives of the Papal States.
July 1797: The Republic of Crema entered then into the Cisalpine Republic in July 1797.
July 1797: The 1797 Republic of Aste was a Jacobin municipality fruit of the political events that led, between June and July of that same year, to the proclamation of popular self-government in the city of Asti.
May 1796: On 28 April, the Piedmontese signed an armistice at with the French at Cherasco. On 18 May they signed a peace treaty in Paris, ceding Savoy and Nice and allowing the French bases to be used against Austria.
August 1796: The Reggiana Republic was an ephemeral republican municipality born from the secession of the Reggio territories from the Duchy of Modena and Reggio proclaimed on 26 August 1796.
February 1797: Carpi is annexed to the Cisalpine Republic.
June 1796: The Bolognese Republic was a French client republic established when Papal authorities escaped from the city of Bologna in June 1796.
August 1797: On August 5, 1797 Napoleon's troops occupied the Principality of Torriglia, and annexed it to the Ligurian republic.
December 1796: The Bolognese Republic was absorbed by the Cispadana Republic within a few months.
January 1797: The Rocchetta-Suvero Marquisate became part of the territories of the Cispadana Republic.
October 1796: Spain signed the Second Treaty of San Ildefonso with France on 19 August 1796, entering the war against Britain on the side of France in return for concessions in Italy. In response, Britain withdrew from Corsica. On 19 October 1796, the French reconquered Bastia and Corsica became a French département.
July 1797: The Cispadane Republic is merged into the Cisalpine Republic.
November 1796: The Austrians were victorious over the French at Bassano.
October 1796: The Duchy of Modena-Reggio was occupied by Napoleon and entered the Cispadan Republic.