Name: Barbarian invasions of the Third Century
Type: Event
Start: 212 AD
End: 430 AD
Parent: Crisis of the Third Century
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Barbarian invasions of the Third Century
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Were a series of Barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century.
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1. Germanic Invasions of 212-215
Was an invasion of the Roman Empire along the Rhine border by Germanic peoples.
2. Vandalic Invasion (214)
Was an invasion of the Roman Danube region by the Vandals.
3. Evacuation of the Agri Decumates
Romans controlled the Agri Decumates region until the mid-3rd century, when the emperor Gallienus (259-260) evacuated it before the invading Alemanni.
4. War against the Germanic tribes of 245-248
Was a series of military campaigns of Roman Emperor Philip the Arab against Germanic tribes in the Danubian area.
5. Gothic War (249-253)
With the cessation of the payment of tribute previously made by the Roman emperor Philip the Arab (r. 244-249) to the tribes beyond the Danube, the Goths and their allies, led by King Ostrogotha and his subcommanders Argedo and Gundericus, moved towards the Roman border and began a series of attacks.
6. Battle of Abritus
Roman forces were dealt a bloody defeat by the Goths near modern Razgrad.
7. Frankish Invasions during the Third century
Were a series of invasions of the Roman Empire by the Franks during the crisis of the third century.
8. Gothic Invasion of Asia Minor
Was an invasion of Asia minor, in the Roman Emire, by the Goths.
9. Battle of Mediolanum
Emperor Gallienus defeats the Alemanni to rescue Rome.
10. Gothic Invasion of Dacia
Was an invasion of Dacia by the Goths during the migration period.
11. Invasions of the Juthungi
The Juthungi, a Germanic tribe, invaded Italy in 259-260.
12. Gothic War (267-269)
Was a war of the Roman Empire against invading Goths and Scythians.
13. Alamannic Invasion of Italy
The Alemanni launched a major invasion of Gaul and northern Italy in 268, when the Romans were forced to denude much of their German frontier of troops in response to a massive invasion of the Goths from the east. Their raids throughout the three parts of Gaul were traumatic.
14. Battle of Lake Benacus
Romans under Emperor Claudius II defeat the Alemanni.
15. Battle of Naissus
Roman forces decisively defeated the Goths at modern Niš, stalling an invasion of the Balkans.
16. Vandal Invasion (270)
Was an invasion of Pannonia, in the Roman Empire, by the Vandals.
17. Battle of Fano
Was a battle between the Roman Empire and the Juthungi.
18. Campaigns against Germanic tribes of Emperor Aurelian
The Juthungi invaded Italy again in 271, defeating the Romans at the Battle of Placentia, but they were repulsed by Aurelian after the Battle of Fano and the Battle of Pavia.
19. Foundation of the Kingdom of the Goths
The Germanic tribe of the Ostrogoths established a kingdom in Dacia.
20. Barbarian invasions during the reign of Probus
Were a series of Barbarian invasions during the reign of Roman emperor Probus.
21. Campaign against the Vandals
Campaign of Emperor Probus in Raetia, Illyricum and Lycia, where he fought the Vandals.
22. Campaign of Diocletian against the Sarmatians
Was a military campaign by Roman Emperor Diocletian against the Sarmatians.
23. Gepid-Gothic War
The Gepids unsuccesfully attacked the Kingdom of the Goths.
24. Second Campaign of Diocletian against the Sarmatians
Diocletian campaigned against the Sarmatians in 294, probably in autumn, and won a victory against them.
25. Battle of Lingones
Caesar Constantius Chlorus defeats the Alemanni.
26. Battle of Vindonissa
Roman Emperor Constantius defeats the Alemanni.
27. Origin of the Frankish tribal confederations
The Frankish people was divided into two federations: the Salian Franks and the Ripuarian Franks.
28. Campaign against the Picts and the Scots of Chlorus
Was the campaign of Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus against the Picts in northern Britain.