Name: Barbarian invasions of the Third Century
Type: Event
Start: 212
End: 430
Parents: Crisis of the Third Century
Children: Campaigns against Germanic tribes of Emperor Aurelian, Foundation of the Kingdom of the Goths, Frankish Invasions during the Third century, Gothic War (249-253), Gothic War (267-269), Invasions of the Juthungi, Alamannic Invasion of Italy, Battle of Abritus, Battle of Fano, Battle of Lake Benacus, Battle of Lingones, Battle of Mediolanum, Battle of Naissus, Battle of Vindonissa, Barbarian invasions during the reign of Probus, Campaign against the Picts and the Scots of Chlorus, Campaign against the Vandals, Campaign of Diocletian against the Sarmatians, Evacuation of the Agri Decumates, Gepid-Gothic War, Germanic Invasions of 212-215, Gothic Invasion of Asia Minor, Gothic Invasion of Dacia, Origin of the Frankish tribal confederations, Second Campaign of Diocletian against the Sarmatians, Vandalic Invasion (214), Vandal Invasion (270), War against the Germanic tribes of 245-248
Barbarian invasions of the Third Century: All Data
This page is about the data available for this event, the chronology of the event is available here.
Were a series of Barbarian invasions of the Roman Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century.