Confederation of the Bruttians
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Was the confederation of the cities of the Bruttians, a population that inhabitated Calabria (Italy).
January 389 BC: In less than a century, the Bretti formed themselves into numerous small villages a few kilometers away from each other, interspersed with strongholds called oppida, fortified urban nuclei, in which the highest social classes gathered (warriors, magistrates and, yes think, priests) to make decisions for the management and defense of neighboring villages. Coins were minted and the social fabric began to take shape with the consolidation of social classes. The Confoederatio Bruttiorum was born. This probably happened after the victory over the Turii, near Laus, in 390.
Interactive Chronologies with maps are available in the section Changes Navigation
Were a series of wars between the the Roman Republic and the Samnites, who lived on a stretch of the Apennine Mountains south of Rome.
1.1.Second Samnite War
Was a war between the Roman Republic and the Samnites that took place mainly in Campania and Samnium.
January 316 BC: In 317 BC, the territory of Nerulo in Lucania was conquered by the Roman Republic. This marked a significant expansion of Roman influence in the region, as they continued to assert their dominance over neighboring territories.
Was the Roman conquest of Lucania (the modern-day Italian region of Basilicata).
January 281 BC: Roman consul Gaio Fabricio Luscino advanced into the territory of Thurii, devastating it.
Were treaties of alliance between the Greek cities of southern italy and the Roman Republic.
January 281 BC: The cities of Reggio, Locri and Crotone asked to be placed under the protection of Rome.
Was a war between the Roman Republic and the Kingdom of Epirus.
4.1.Roman Conquest of Rhegion
Was the Roman conquest of the Greek city-state of Rhegion during the Pyrrhic War.
January 269 BC: The Bretti were now recognized as a small power on the rise. Their prerogative was to continue to develop as an autonomous and conquering civilization and this drove them to hostility towards Rome. In 270 BC. the territory of the Brettii had completely fallen under the dominion of the Romans.
January 354 BC: When the Bruttians arose as a new ethnic group in Lucania in 356/5 BC their first target was Terina.
January 332 BC: When Alexander of Epirus arrived in Southern Italy in approximately 333 BC he took the city from the Bruttians.
January 330 BC: Alexander of Epirus did not possess the city of Terina for long because he was defeated by a combined army of Bruttians and Lucanians at the Battle of Pandosia in 331 BC.
January 299 BC: Between the middle of the 4th and the middle of the 3rd century BC, the Bruttians attacked and conquered various Magna Graecia cities, including, on the Tyrrhenian side, Themesa and Terina, Hipponion (present-day Vibo Valentia), and on the Ionian side even the mythical Sybaris.
January 269 BC: The Bretti were now recognized as a small power on the rise. Their prerogative was to continue to develop as an autonomous and conquering civilization and this drove them to hostility towards Rome. In 270 BC. the territory of the Brettii had completely fallen under the dominion of the Romans.