County of Ariano
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Was an early Norman county in southern Italy.
January 1023: Within the first decades of the 11th century, the Normans, led by Gilberto Buatère, took up permanent residence in Ariano. In particular, the Norman county of Ariano was formally recognized in 1022 by Henry II of Franconia king of Italy and emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
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Were a series of wars between the Byzantines and the Normans in southern italy and the Balkan Peninsula.
1.1.Norman conquest of southern Italy
Were a series of military campaigns by Norman forces that slowly conquered southern Italy from the Bizyntine Empire and from local Lombard rulers.
1.1.1.Norman-Lombard Revolt
Was a revolt by the Lombards and the Normans against Byzantine rule in southern Italy that led to the initial territorial acquisitions of the Normans in the region.
March 1041: The victory in the battle of Olivento constitutes the first stage for the Norman conquest of southern Italy. William of Hauteville settles in Ascoli Satriano, also takes Venosa and occupies Gravina.
May 1041: The Norman army, led by William of Hauteville and Arduin, defeated the Byzantines in the battle of Montemaggiore and obtained possession of Apulia and the entire region between the Ofanto, Biferno and Matera valleys. The Normans also took possession of the lands of Acerenza, of the villages of Lavello, near the Ofanto river, of Matera and Genzano, on the via Herculea, where they built a castle.
September 1041: On 3 September 1041 at the Battle of Montepeloso, the Normans defeated Byzantine catepan Exaugustus Boioannes and brought him to Benevento. The rebel victory forced the Byzantine army to retreat to the coastal cities of Bari, Monopoli and Giovinazzo, leaving the entire interior of southern Italy to the Norman and Lombard rebels.
1.1.2.Conquest of the Theme of Langobardia
Were a series of military campaigns by the Normans to conquer the Byzantine Theme of Langobardia.
January 1053: The Norman conquest of the Molise is poorly documented. Boiano (the principal town) may have been conquered the year before the Battle of Civitate by Robert Guiscard.
January 1101: In 1100 Robert of Loritello, a Norman noble, extended his principality across the Fortore, taking Bovino and Dragonara.
January 1101: The grand county of Ariano, whose borders extended on one side to the gates of Benevento and on the other to the threshold of the Tavoliere, became part of the vast duchy of Puglia and Calabria.
January 1101: In 1100 Robert of Loritello, a Norman noble, extended his principality across the Fortore, taking Bovino and Dragonara.