This article is about the specific polity Kingdom of Orleans (Guntram) and therefore only includes events related to its territory and not to its possessions or colonies. If you are interested in the possession, this is the link to the article about the nation which includes all possessions as well as all the different incarnations of the nation.
If you are looking for the page with the statistics about this polity you can find it here:All Statistics
Was one of the many Frankish Teilreiche (polities emerging from the hereditary divisions of the Frankish Kingdom that repeatedly divided and reunited) of the Merovingian Dynasty. It originated with the division of the Empire at the death of King Chlothar I.
November 561: The Frankish King Chlothar I died at the end of 561, leaving his kingdom to his four sons. Guntram received Burgundy with a part of the kingdom of Orléans, where he established his capital.
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The Frankish Kingdom was partitioned and reuinited several times as the Frankish rulers used to divide their territories equally among their heirs. This lead also to a number of wars and revolts.
1.1.Partition of the Frankish Kingdom (561)
The Frankish King Chlothar I died at the end of 561, leaving his kingdom to his four sons.
1.2.Partition of the Kingdom of Paris
After the death of Charibert King of the Teilreich (polities emerging from the hereditary divisions of the Frankish Kingdom that repeatedly divided and reunited) of Paris, his kingdom was partitioned between his brothers.
January 568: The Kingdom of Paris, in the absence of legitimate male heirs, was divided between the Gontrano brothers (who had the greater part), Sigebert I and Chilperico I .
1.3.Chilperic´s Campaign in Aquitaine
Was the invasion of the Frankish Teilreich (polities emerging from the hereditary divisions of the Frankish Kingdom that repeatedly divided and reunited) of Gontran by his brother King Chilperic I who annexed parts of Aquitania.
January 582: Austrasia then approaches the kingdom of Soissons. The disappearance of the sons of Chilpéric indeed gives Childebert II, successor of Sigebert, the possibility of finding himself heir to two teilreich. Egidius negotiates a pact with Chilpéric: Childebert II becomes legatee of all the goods belonging to him. This diplomatic change arouses disputes between Austrasians and Burgundians. Chilpéric took the opportunity to enlarge his Aquitaine domains by seizing Saintes, Angoulême, Périgueux and Agen, cities under Burgundian domination. The following year, Gontran recognizes the conquests of Chilpéric in order to negotiate a peace with him.
1.4.Chilperic´s Invasion of Burgundy
Was the invasion by Frankish sub-King Chilperic I of the Burgundian domains of his brothers.
September 583: In the spring or summer of 583, Chilperic's troops attacked from the north. They seize Melun. To the south, the Duke of Toulouse Didier commands the troops from Aquitaine, to which are joined the troops of Duke Bladaste from Novempopulania. They enter Berry where they face those of Gontran near the fortified town of Châteaumeillant. The resulting battle turns into a massacre. The invaders emerge victorious. They seize the stronghold of Argenton. Then they establish the seat of Bourges. For his part, Gontran marches north. A battle takes place between Étampes and Orléans from which Gontran emerges victorious. The next day, a peace is concluded by exchange of ambassadors.
October 583: In the spring or summer of 583, Chilperic's troops attacked from the north. They seize Melun. To the south, the Duke of Toulouse Didier commands the troops from Aquitaine, to which are joined the troops of Duke Bladaste from Novempopulania. They enter Berry where they face those of Gontran near the fortified town of Châteaumeillant. The resulting battle turns into a massacre. The invaders emerge victorious. They seize the stronghold of Argenton. Then they establish the seat of Bourges. For his part, Gontran marches north. A battle takes place between Étampes and Orléans from which Gontran emerges victorious. The next day, a peace is concluded by exchange of ambassadors.
1.5.Treaty of Andelot
Was a treaty between Gontran and Childebert II, both Frankish subkings, about the extent of their domains.
November 587: The Treaty of Andelot, signed in 587 between Gontran I, King of Burgundy, and his nephew Childebert II, King of Austrasia, was to ensure perpetual peace between the two kingdoms. Recognized in Gontran the possessions of Châteaudun, Vendôme and the fortifications of the region of Chartres and Etampes.
January 588: In 587, Gontrand compelled obedience from Waroch II, the Breton ruler of the Vannetais.
1.6.Merge of the kingdoms of Metz and of Orleans
After the death of Gontan of Orleans, the Frankish subking of Metz, Childebert II, merged the Kingdoms of Orleans and Metz.
January 593: On the death of Guntram, in 592, the kingdom of Burgundia and the region of Orléans passed to Childebert II, without meeting any opposition, and thus the kingdoms of Austrasia and Burgundy were unified under the crown of Childebert II.
Was a joint campaign of the Frankish subkings against the Visigothic Kingdom.
January 570: In 569, the kings of the Franks of Austrasia, Sigebert I and Gontran of Burgundy, invaded Septimania and laid siege to Arles. The city was eventually attacked and taken by Gontran, who was the King of Orleans at the time.
Were a series of unsuccesfull military campaigns in Septimania, in the Kingdom of the Visigoths, by Guntram, one of the sub-Kings of the Frankish Empire.
January 586: Frankish subking Guntram invaded Septimania.
February 586: Frankish subking Guntram invaded Septimania, but he was defeated by the Goths.
January 590: Frankish subking Guntram invaded Septimania.
February 590: Frankish subking Guntram invaded Septimania, but he was defeated by the Goths.
Was a military campaign against the Visigothic Kingdom by Frankish subking Guntram in Septimania.
January 588: After the death of Leovigildo, which occurred during the second invasion of Gontrano, Recaredo, new king of the Visigoths, during 587, converted to the orthodox religion (Catholic), but despite the conversion of the Visigoths, Gontrano attacked them twice in Septimania but was defeated.
February 588: After the death of Leovigildo, which occurred during the second invasion of Gontrano, Recaredo, new king of the Visigoths, during 587, converted to the orthodox religion (Catholic), but despite the conversion of the Visigoths, Gontrano attacked them twice in Septimania but was defeated.
January 593: On the death of Guntram, in 592, the kingdom of Burgundia and the region of Orléans passed to Childebert II, without meeting any opposition, and thus the kingdoms of Austrasia and Burgundy were unified under the crown of Childebert II.
Selected Sources
De La Blanche, P. (1894): Atlas général d'histoire et géographie, Armand Colin & Cie, Editeurs, p.21
Grégoire de Tours, Histoire, livre IV, 19, 21, 54.
Middleton, J. (2015): World Monarchies and Dynasties Vol.1-3, Routledge, p.195