Alexander's War in Persia
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Were the military campaigns by Alexander the Great King of Macedon in the territories of the Achaemenid Empire.
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Was a military campaign by Alexander the Great King of Macedon in Asia that resulted in the conquest of the Achaemenid Empire.
June 334 BC: Troy conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
June 334 BC: Battle of the Granicus.
August 334 BC: Siege of Miletus.
October 334 BC: Siege of Halicarnassus.
January 333 BC: Phaselis conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
February 333 BC: Termessos conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
February 333 BC: Perge conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
October 333 BC: Tarsus conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
November 333 BC: Soli conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
November 333 BC: Battle of Issus. Alexander the Great decisively defeats the Persian army of Darius.
January 332 BC: Aspendos conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: Side conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: Kelainai (near Dinar, Turkey) in Pisidia conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: Ankyra (Ankara, Turkey) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: Cilician Gates conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: Cydnos River conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: Aradus Island conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 332 BC: The various kingdoms of Cyprus became allies of Alexander following his victorious campaigns at Granicus (334 BC) and Issus (333 BC).
February 332 BC: Byblos (40 km north of Beirut, Lebanon) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
February 332 BC: Sidon (Lebanon), Phoenicia, conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 332 BC: Siege of Tyre. The city fell to the Macedonians.
November 332 BC: Siege of Gaza. The city fell to the Macedonians.
January 331 BC: Damascus conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 331 BC: Jerusalem conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 331 BC: Pelusium (Port Said, Egypt) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 331 BC: Rhodes became part of the rapidly growing Macedonian Empire as Alexander the Great swept through and defeated the Persians in 332 BC, to the great relief of the islands' inhabitants.
February 331 BC: Memphis conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 331 BC: Harran conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 331 BC: Edessa, or Urhai (Urfa, Turkey), conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 331 BC: Tigris conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
October 331 BC: Battle of Gaugamela. Alexander's decisive victory leading to the collapse of the Persian Empire.
November 331 BC: Arbela (Arbil/Irbil, Iraq) in Mesopotamia conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
November 331 BC: Babylon conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 330 BC: Alep conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 330 BC: Susa conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
February 330 BC: Persepolis conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
July 330 BC: Deh Bid Pass conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
July 330 BC: Rhagae (Rey, Iran) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 330 BC: Alexander's detour from modern Semnan to the Dasht-e-Kavir desert ―Parthia.
August 330 BC: Thara is the city where the Persian king Darius III was killed. Although Alexander appeared as the Achaemenid ruler, there is no doubt that the Achaemenid Empire had come to an end at the latest with the assassination of Darius by the satrap Bessos (330 BC).
January 329 BC: Pasargad conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
May 333 BC: Gordion conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
March 331 BC: Siwa conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
February 331 BC: Foundation of Alexandria.
January 331 BC: After ending the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great tried to rule Cappadocia through one of his military commanders. But Ariarathes, a Persian aristocrat, somehow became king of the Cappadocians, establishing an independent kingdom.
December 333 BC: Alexandretta or Alexandria near Issus conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 330 BC: Battle of the Persian Gate.
July 330 BC: Ecbatana (Hamadan, Iran) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
July 330 BC: Caspian Gates (between modern Eyvanakey and Aradan or Tehran and Semnan, Iran, Media/Parthia border) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
July 334 BC: Ephesus conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 333 BC: Lycia conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 331 BC: Thapsacus (Tipsah) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
July 334 BC: Sardes conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
Was a Persian military expedition tha resulted in the conquest of the island of Lesbos.
January 333 BC: When Alexander the Great started the conquest of the Persian Empire, the Persian fleet managed to conquer Lesbos.
January 333 BC: The Persian fleet managed to conquer Lesbos.
Were a series of military campaign by Alexander the Great, King of Macedon, in the regions of the Achaemenid Empire that had become de facto independent after the collapse of the Empire.
August 330 BC: With the death of Achaemenid ruler Darius III the eastern provinces became de facto indipendent.
June 328 BC: Foundation of Alexandria Oxiane (perhaps modern-day Ai Khanum).
August 330 BC: The Macedonian Empire did never control the Kushite region, south of Egypt, which reverted to an independent Kingdom.
August 330 BC: Zadracarta conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
September 330 BC: Hyrcanian campaign.
October 330 BC: Susia conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 329 BC: Nisa-Alexandroupolis (probably Bagir Village, 18 km southwest of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
May 329 BC: Ortospana and Kabura conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
May 329 BC: Cophen River conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
June 329 BC: Khawak Pass (leading from Badakhshan to Panjshir valley, 100 km northeast of Kabul, Afghanistan) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
June 329 BC: Drapsaca conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
July 329 BC: Maracanda conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 329 BC: Jaxartes River conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
December 329 BC: Bactra conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 328 BC: Alexander the Great founded the city of Alexandria in Arachosia (modern-day Ghazni, Afghanistan) as part of his conquests in the region.
January 328 BC: Kingdom of Kapisa conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 327 BC: Alexandria in Margiana was founded by Craterus and refounded by Antiochus I and called Antiochia.
June 326 BC: The Rebel Achaemenid Satrapies are conquered by the Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 325 BC: Modern Hund, Pakistan, conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 327 BC: Nautaca conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
November 329 BC: Territories north of the Jaxartes River are conquered by the Kingdom of Macedonia.
December 328 BC: Sogdian campaigns and attack of the Sogdian settlements in the Gissarskiy Range.
April 327 BC: Siege of the Sogdian Rock or Rock of Sisimithres (where Oxyartes and Roxana were located).
August 329 BC: Fergana Valley conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
August 330 BC: Hecatompylos conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
November 330 BC: Phrada and Alexandria Prophthasia (Farah, Afghanistan) conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
June 329 BC: Bactra conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
June 329 BC: Oxus River conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
October 330 BC: Artacoana conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 329 BC: Alexandria and whole Egypt including Cyrenaica conquered by Rashidun Caliphate.
May 329 BC: Kapisa, Alexandria in the Caucasus conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
June 329 BC: The Kambojas entered into conflict with Alexander the Great as he invaded Central Asia.
June 329 BC: Foundation of Alexandria Tarmita (Termez/Termiz, Uzbekistan) - Sogdia (or Transoxiana).
July 329 BC: Nautaca conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
December 329 BC: Tribactra conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
December 327 BC: Shang-La Pass, Pakistan, conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
January 326 BC: Cophen River conquered by Kingdom of Macedonia.
Selected Sources
Tucker, S.C. (2011) Battles that changed History - An Encyclopedia of World Conflict, ABC-CLIO, pp.37-39
Tucker, S.C. (2011) Battles that changed History - An Encyclopedia of World Conflict, ABC-CLIO, pp.40-42
Tucker, S.C. (2011) Battles that changed History - An Encyclopedia of World Conflict, ABC-CLIO, pp.43-45