Taifa of Zaragoza
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Was one of the Taifas (independent Muslim principality) in the Iberian Peninsula that emerged in the period following the fall of the Umayyad Caliphate of Córdoba.
January 1019: The Taifa of Zaragoza It was established in 1018 as one of the Taifa kingdoms.
Interactive Chronologies with maps are available in the section Changes Navigation
The Caliphate disintegrated in the early 11th century during the Fitna of al-Andalus, a civil war between the descendants of caliph Hisham II and the successors of his hajib (court official), Al-Mansur, leading to the establishment of a multitude of independent Muslim kingdoms (taifas).
Were a series military campaigns from the 8th century until 1492 by the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula to reconquer the region from the Islamic rulers that had conquered it during the Umayyad conquest of Hispania.
January 1036: Establishment of the Kingdom of Castile.
January 1064: Barbastro besieged and taken by a united Christian army, which was joined for the first time by many French and Norman knights.
January 1070: Conquests of Ramiro I of Aragon during the Reconquista by 1069.
January 1084: In 1083, the Aragonese took Graus.
January 1088: Alfonso VI of Castile and León conquers the fortress of Aledo in Murcia.
January 1095: Conquests of Sancho Ramirez of Aragon during the Reconquista by 1094.
January 1101: In 1100, Peter, the king of Aragon, captured Barbastro, the second city of the Taifa of Zaragoza, and Sariñena.
January 1102: In 1101, the capture of Pomar de Cinca and Albalate de Cinca brought the Aragonese up to Lérida.
January 1105: Conquests of Pedro I of Aragon during the Reconquista by 1104.
2.1.Crusade of Barbastro
A military expedition by the Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula, sanctioned by Pope Alexander II, to take the Spanish city of Barbastro form the Muslims.
September 1064: An international expedition, sanctioned by Pope Alexander II, took the Spanish city of Barbastro.
Were the conquests of the Taifa of Seville, one of the most powerful Islamic kingdoms in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula.
3.1.Conquests of Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad
Were the military conquests of Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad, emir of the Taifa of Seville.
January 1081: Conquest of the western part of the Taifa of Denia by the Taifa of Seville.
January 1025: Barcelona conquers of Ager.
January 1041: Between c. 1040 and c. 1105, the Taifa of Lérida was separate from that of Zaragoza.
January 1061: The Taifa of Tortosa fell to Zaragoza in 1060.
June 1065: In 1065, the king of the taifa of Zaragoza, Al-Muqtadir, with the help of the other rulers of al-Andalus, reconquered the city of Barbastro.
January 1071: Barcelona conquers of Agramunt.
January 1077: Based on available maps.
January 1077: Dénia's power remained confined to its peninsular possessions until the conquest by the taifa of Zaragoza in 1076.
January 1081: Conquest of Montblanc.
January 1082: The Taifa of Tortosa is independent again.
January 1111: Taifa of Zaragoza conquered by the Almoravids.
Selected Sources
Expansión peninsular de la Corona de Aragón. Wikipedia. Retrieved on 21 September 2021. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Expansi%C3%B3n_peninsular_de_la_Corona_de_Arag%C3%B3n.png