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Was a sister republic of France in Northern Italy.
January 1797: The Duchy of Milan remained an Austrian possession until 1796, when a French army under Napoleon Bonaparte conquered it, and it ceased to exist a year later as a result of the Treaty of Campo Formio, when Austria ceded it to the new Cisalpine Republic.
February 1797: Frecnh forces besiege Mantua.
February 1797: Carpi is annexed to the Cisalpine Republic.
February 1797: French troops advanced directly toward Austria over the Julian Alps. General Barthélemy Joubert invaded Tyrol.
June 1797: In June 1797, the territories of Bologna, Ferrara, and Romagna were annexed to the Cisalpine Republic through the Treaty of Tolentino. This agreement was signed between Napoleon Bonaparte, who was leading the French forces in Italy, and representatives of the Papal States.
June 1797: The Cispadane Republic was merged with the Transpadane Republic (formerly the Duchy of Milan until 1796) to form the Cisalpine Republic.
July 1797: The Republic of Crema entered then into the Cisalpine Republic in July 1797.
July 1797: The Cispadane Republic is merged into the Cisalpine Republic.
October 1797: In 1797, the districts of Chiavenna, Valtellina, and Bormio, dependencies of the Three Leagues (an associate of the Confederation), revolted under the encouragement of France. They were quickly invaded and annexed to the Cisalpine Republic on 10 October 1797.
October 1797: The Duchy of Milan remained an Austrian possession until 1796, when a French army under Napoleon Bonaparte conquered it, and it ceased to exist a year later as a result of the Treaty of Campo Formio, when Austria ceded it to the new Cisalpine Republic.
October 1797: The Treaty of Campo Formio was signed on 17 October 1797 (26 Vendémiaire VI). The treaty transferred the Austrian Netherlands to France. The territories of Venice were partitioned, most were acquired by Austria. Austria recognized the Cisalpine Republic and the newly created Ligurian Republic. Extension of the borders of France up to the Rhine, the Nette, and the Roer.
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Were a series of conflicts between France and several European monarchies between 1792 and 1815. They encompass first the French Revolutionary Wars against the newly declared French Republic and from 1803 onwards the Napoleonic Wars against First Consul and later Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. They include the Coalition Wars as a subset: seven wars waged by various military alliances of great European powers, known as Coalitions, against Revolutionary France - later the First French Empire - and its allies.
January 1802: The Cisalpine Republic is renamed Italian Republic.
1.1.War of the First Coalition
Were a series of wars between the Kingdom of France (later the French Republic) and several European Monarchies. The French Revolution had deteriorated the relations of France with the other European countries, that tried several times to invade France in order to crash the revolutionary government.
February 1798: In February 1798 the ephemeral Roman Republic was proclaimed, closely linked to France.
1.1.1.Italian theatre (War of the first coalition)
Was the Italian theatre of the War of the First Coalition.
1.1.2.Treaty of Campo Formio
Was a treaty between France and Austria that ended the War of the First Coalition.
January 1798: The Treaty of Campo Formio was signed on 17 October 1797 (26 Vendémiaire VI). The treaty transferred the Austrian Netherlands to France. The territories of Venice were partitioned, most were acquired by Austria. Austria recognized the Cisalpine Republic and the newly created Ligurian Republic. Extension of the borders of France up to the Rhine, the Nette, and the Roer.
1.2.War of the Second Coalition
Was the second war that saw revolutionary France against most of the European monarchies, led by Britain, Austria, and Russia, and including the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Naples, and various German monarchies. Prussia did not join this coalition, and Spain supported France.
January 1799: The County of Vernio is abolished by Napoleon.
September 1799: In 1799, during the French Revolutionary Wars, the Austrians, led by Archduke Charles, occupied the Legations and the Marches in Italy. Meanwhile, the British forces, under the command of Admiral Nelson, landed in Civitavecchia and expelled the French. Subsequently, they set up military administrations in different cities in the region.
June 1800: Napoleon defeated the army of the Second Coalition at Marengo and refounded the Cisalpine Republic. The legations of Bologna, Ferrara and Romagna were once again taken away from the Holy See.
1.2.1.Suvorov Italian campaign
Was a military campaign led by Russian general Alexander Suvorov against France that took place in Italy.
April 1799: On 27 April, Russian feldmarshal Suvorov defeated French general Jean Victor Moreau at the Battle of Cassano.
April 1799: Napoleon Bonaparte entered Milan on 29 April 1799.
June 1799: In 1799, during the Second Coalition, the Allies, led by Russian General Alexander Suvorov and Austrian Archduke Charles, defeated the French at the Trebbia River. They continued to push the French forces back into the Alps and Genoa, ultimately reaching Fiorenzuola.
July 1799: Coalition forces took the key fortress of Mantua.
1.2.2.Treaty of Lunéville
Was a treaty between the French Republic and the Holy Roman Empire that formally ended the partecipation of Austria and the Holy Roman Empire in the War of the Second Coalition.
February 1801: The Treaty of Lunéville was signed in the Treaty House of Lunéville between the French Republic and Holy Roman Emperor Francis II. Certain Austrian holdings within the borders of the Holy Roman Empire were relinquished, and French control was extended to the left bank of the Rhine, "in complete sovereignty" but France renounced any claim to territories east of the Rhine. Contested boundaries in Italy were set. The Grand Duchy of Tuscany was awarded to the French.
1.3.French invasion of Switzerland
French invasion of the Old Swiss Confederacy.
April 1798: On April 12, 1798, 121 cantonal deputies proclaimed the Helvetic Republic under the auspices of the French occupying forces. The Helvetic Republic was a centralized state based on the ideas of the French Revolution.
January 1802: The Cisalpine Republic is renamed Italian Republic.
Selected Sources
Articles secrets et convention additionelle du traité de Campo Formio. Retrieved on March, 24th 2024 on https://books.google.de/books?id=SStJAAAAcAAJ&dq=Trait%C3%A9%20de%20paix%20de%20Campo%20Formio&hl=de&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q=Trait%C3%A9%20de%20paix%20de%20Campo%20Formio&f=false
Delta del Po - Storia, retrieved November, 11th, 2020 on https://web.archive.org/web/20140505001813/http://www.atuttascuola.it/contributi/scienze/delta_del_po6.htm
Droysen, G. (1886): Historischer Handatlas, Bielefeld and Leipzig (Germany), p. 48
Frieden von Campoformio. Retrieved on March, 24th 2014 on https://books.google.de/books?id=UbGMtENHaBIC&pg=PA9#v=onepage&q&f=false
Gagliardo, J. (1980): Reich and Nation: The Holy Roman Empire as Idea and Reality, 1763–1806, Bloomington (USA), p. 192
Köbler, G. (2014) Historische Enzyklopädie der Länder der Deutschen, Munich (Germany), p. 281
Poole, R.L. (1902): Historical Atlas of Modern Europe, Oxford (United Kingdom), Plate XI
Preti, V. (1997) Martin Mistère e i segreti del Po (CD-ROM), Leonardo Studio, Italy, animation of the evolution of Po delta